Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Oh, those Nagoya nights...

Every so often we all head to Nagoya for food and karaoke. The last gathering had us out all night, because we missed our last trains... Here are some photos of all of us sittin around in a diner around 4am.

Japan Weather Update: Typhoon season is offically over! The pressure systems have changed around here... finally!!! This means that we are protected from storms due to our low pressure system.

As for earthquakes... well, they aren't going away. BUT the serious quake that hit recently wasn't near me. THANK GOODNESS! That was north of Tokyo, and I am south. It killed less people than the last typhoon. Mudslides are bad news.

Coming soon: Pictures of the Saka-chu Cultural Festival! I'll get to try all sorts of different Japanese sports and cultural activities like tea ceremony, kimono, and shogo. I'm especially excited about kyodo... Japanese archery!!! The girls kyodo team at Saka-chu (my JHS) is the best in all of Japan!!!

That's it for now!


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