Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Some of my elementary school kids and I in the kitchen of Kozakai's Community Centre. Posted by Hello

Mochitsuki Festival!

One of the greatest things about living in Japan is the fact that I get to attend all these great cultural events in Kozakai. A few weekends ago I was invited by a family in town to the Mochitsuki Festival. Mochi is pounded rice, and is used to make lots of different Japanese dishes - usually sweet ones!

The rice is cooked and put in a big mortar bowl and then pounded with a large wooden pestal. With every pound you knead the rice over until it turns into a flour dough consistency. Once doughy, you can add it to dishes, dip it sweet sauces and grill it, or put sweets inside like red bean or strawberries. It's a delicious treat.

Although I haven't lost my North American love of sweets, I have gained a new liking to subtle Japanese desserts that use less sugar. However, don't be fooled. There is still sugary goodness to be found here. Japanese green tea (macha) is quite bitter, so the tea is usually served with an extremely sweet cake. A lot of foreigners find these cakes to be even too sweet for them!

--- In other news, I still have not attended kendo practice since I have been back. That's 4 practices missed. Hara Sensei has tracked me down through my junior high students and has requested me to be there for practice this Thursday! I am in trouble!!! -- It's just that it's SO COLD here! I can barely manage to do anything but huddle by my heaters in the evening let alone run around a cold gym in bare feet! If I get sick, it's kendo's fault!!!

Over and out!

The girls and I making miso soup. Posted by Hello

Pounding of the mochi! No, I am not trying to hit that woman. There is a large granite bowl of rice just benath the frame. The kids were counting along by saying the alphabet in English. Very very VERY cute. Posted by Hello

Me with my eyes closed, making balls of mochi for the natto dish. Natto is a smelly dish made of rotting soy beans. Some people love the stuff, other hate it.  Posted by Hello