Thursday, May 12, 2005

Golden Week Baby!

Golden Week is a series of holidays spanning roughly over a week that celebrate the Emperor, children, the earth... etc. To me... it meant travel time!!! So here are pictures of my tour of Japan.

It went like this...

1. Take a bullet train to Tokyo.
2. Chill out for a day or two.
3. Fly to Nagasaki... see the city, museums, etc.
4. Take a bullet train to Hiroshima...
5. Then to Osaka -- Universal Studios
6. Train to Kyoto -- dress up like a geisha...
7. Make it back to Aichi in time to get myself sorted for school the next day!

--- Loads of fun stories... but those will have to wait until I'm home. Enjoy these snippits!

Nicole and I reflected in the window of the shinkansen (bullet train) on our way to Tokyo! Posted by Hello

Eco furniture... Posted by Hello

The Japanese can make ANYTHING cute. Posted by Hello

Nicole and I before leaving Tokyo Posted by Hello

The Buddhist god Kannon riding a giant turtle. Inside this shrine was Foucault"s Pendulum. Nicole and I got a personal tour from a very nice old lady.  Posted by Hello

Read if you can... saves me from trying to explain. Posted by Hello

Cool eh? Posted by Hello

Me at the monument errected for these men and women behind me who were executed for their Catholic faith. Nagasaki is one of the most Christian areas of Japan, which back in the day was seen as a threat to the countries main religions - Buddhism and Shinto. Note that there were two children amongst the others. Pope John Paul made a point to visit here during one of his visits to Japan. Posted by Hello

Beautiful colours in the spring eh? Posted by Hello

Nicole and the Lonely Planet in our little room in Nagasaki Posted by Hello

A memorial at the exact epicentre of the bomb dropped in Nagasaki. - It was a very eerie feeling to be standing there. Posted by Hello

Rocks with people's names and messages for the dead. They lay at the based of what is left of a church that was standing meters away from the epicentre. Posted by Hello

The river and bridge close to the bomb epicentre that was horribly full of bodies that day. Posted by Hello

Nicole's pretty flower ice cream!!! Posted by Hello

A view of Nagasaki. Posted by Hello

Madame Butterfly. Posted by Hello

Me chillin on the couch. Posted by Hello

The first asphalt road in Japan made by a Scotsmen who immigrated to Nagasaki port and began a shipping business. Posted by Hello

The beautiful Glover Gardens in Nagasaki. Posted by Hello

The Neko Bus!!! (neko means cat). This is from the very famous Japanese anime Totoro! If you haven't seen it... you're missin out. SEE IT! Posted by Hello

The Hiroshima bomb memorial dedicated to those who died the day the atomic bomb was dropped. Posted by Hello

Aren't these 3 SO cute?! The Japanese LOVE to dress up their animals. They guys were out for the big festival going on that day in Hiroshima. Posted by Hello

These are cranes made by children as a signe of peace. They are located at a shrine that was errected in the name of a little girl who was ill - and children from her class made her hundreds of cranes to make her well... and it worked. The memorial is dedicated to children everywhere. Posted by Hello

This is the remains of a building (the dome being the very memorable image) which was extremely close to the epicentre of the bomb  Posted by Hello

Nicole and on her date with a deer at Miyajima. Posted by Hello