Saturday, January 22, 2005

And the beat goes on...

So I still haven't figured out how to use the scanner at work. So, this means I will have to wait until I get Andrea's digital photos before I can send along anything regarding the South Asia trip.

These photos are from my kendo Christmas Party in December. I am feeling a little guilty because I haven't been to kendo practice since I've been back. It's SO cold, and I cringe at the idea of running around a freezing gym in barefeet. I am going to suck it up and go this Thursday.

It's been hard to be social since I've been back (with my Japanese friends). I'm at my mid-year hump, so the combination of winter blues, and my longing to be back on the beach in Thailand is making this month drag on a bit. I am looking forward to Spring, and also to Summer... I am beginning to really miss home, and look forward to the luxury of living in a country where people speak the same language as me.

That's all for now... hope everyone is well!

ps - I am going to see Sonic Youth play in Nagoya!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!


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